
An overview of the modules in OpenPipelines


Name Namespace Description
Add id Metadata Add id of .obs.
BD Rhapsody Mapping A wrapper for the BD Rhapsody Analysis CWL v1.10.1 pipeline
Bbknn Neighbors BBKNN network generation
Bcftools Genetic demux Filter the variants called by freebayes or cellSNP
Bcl convert Demux Convert bcl files to fastq files using bcl-convert.
Bcl2fastq Demux Convert bcl files to fastq files using bcl2fastq
Build bdrhap reference Reference Compile a reference into a STAR index compatible with the BD Rhapsody pipeline.
Build cellranger reference Reference Build a Cell Ranger-compatible reference folder from user-supplied genome FASTA and gene GTF files.
Calculate qc metrics Qc Add basic quality control metrics to an .h5mu file.
Cellbender remove background Correction Eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing data.
Cellbender remove background v0 2 Correction Eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing data.
Cellranger count Mapping Align fastq files using Cell Ranger count.
Cellranger count split Mapping Split 10x Cell Ranger output directory into separate output fields.
Cellranger mkfastq Demux Demultiplex raw sequencing data
Cellranger multi Mapping Align fastq files using Cell Ranger multi.
Cellsnp Genetic demux cellSNP aims to pileup the expressed alleles in single-cell or bulk RNA-seq data.
Cellxgene census Query Query cells from a CellxGene Census or custom TileDBSoma object.
Clr Transform Perform CLR normalization on CITE-seq data (Stoeckius et al., 2017)
Compress h5mu Compression Compress a MuData file.
Concat Dataflow Concatenates several uni-modal samples in .h5mu files into a single file
Concatenate h5mu Dataflow Concatenates several uni-modal samples in .h5mu files into a single file
Delete layer Transform Delete an anndata layer from one or more modalities
Delimit fraction Filter Turns a column containing values between 0 and 1 into a boolean column based on thresholds
Demuxlet Genetic demux Demuxlet is a software tool to deconvolute sample identity and identify multiplets when multiple samples are pooled by barcoded single cell sequencing.
Do filter Filter Remove observations and variables based on specified .obs and .var columns
Download file Download Download a file
Dsc pileup Genetic demux Dsc-pileup is a software tool to pileup reads and corresponding base quality for each overlapping SNPs and each barcode.
Fastqc Qc Fastqc component, please see
Filter 10xh5 Process 10xh5 Filter a 10x h5 dataset
Filter with counts Filter Filter scRNA-seq data based on the primary QC metrics.
Filter with hvg Filter Annotate highly variable genes [Satija15] [Zheng17] [Stuart19].
Filter with scrublet Filter Doublet detection using the Scrublet method (Wolock, Lopez and Klein, 2019).
Find neighbors Neighbors Compute a neighborhood graph of observations [McInnes18].
Freebayes Genetic demux Freebayes is a Bayesian genetic variant detector designed to find small polymorphisms, specifically SNPs
Freemuxlet Genetic demux Freemuxlet is a software tool to deconvolute sample identity and identify multiplets when multiple samples are pooled by barcoded single cell sequencing.
From 10xh5 to h5mu Convert Converts a 10x h5 into an h5mu file
From 10xmtx to h5mu Convert Converts a 10x mtx into an h5mu file
From bd to 10x molecular barcode tags Convert Convert the molecular barcode sequence SAM tag from BD format (MA) to 10X format (UB)
From bdrhap to h5mu Convert Convert the output of a BD Rhapsody WTA pipeline to a MuData h5 file
From cellranger multi to h5mu Convert Converts the output from cellranger multi to a single .h5mu file.
From h5ad to h5mu Convert Converts a single layer h5ad file into a single MuData object
From h5mu to h5ad Convert Converts a h5mu file into a h5ad file
From h5mu to seurat Convert Converts an h5mu file into a Seurat file.
Grep annotation column Metadata Perform a regex lookup on a column from the annotation matrices .obs or .var.
Harmonypy Integrate Performs Harmony integration based as described in
Highly variable features scanpy Feature annotation Annotate highly variable features [Satija15] [Zheng17] [Stuart19].
Htseq count Mapping Quantify gene expression for subsequent testing for differential expression.
Htseq count to h5mu Mapping Convert the htseq table to a h5mu
Intersect obs Filter Create an intersection between two or more modalities.
Join csv Metadata Join a csv containing metadata to the .obs or .var field of a mudata file.
Join uns to obs Metadata Join a data frame of length 1 (1 row index value) in .uns containing metadata to the .obs of a mudata file.
Knn Labels transfer Performs label transfer from reference to query using KNN classifier
Leiden Cluster Cluster cells using the [Leiden algorithm] [Traag18] implemented in the [Scanpy framework] [Wolf18].
Lianapy Interpret Performs LIANA integration based as described in
Log1p Transform Logarithmize the data matrix.
Make params Files Looks for files in a directory and turn it in a params file.
Make reference Reference Preprocess and build a transcriptome reference.
Merge Dataflow Combine one or more single-modality .h5mu files together into one .h5mu file
Mermaid Report Generates a network from mermaid code
Move layer Transform Move a data matrix stored at the .layers or .X attributes in a MuData object to another layer.
Move obsm to obs Metadata Move a matrix from .obsm to .obs.
Multi star Mapping Align fastq files using STAR.
Multi star to h5mu Mapping Convert the output of multi_star to a h5mu
Multiqc Qc MultiQC aggregates results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report.
Normalize total Transform Normalize counts per cell.
Pca Dimred Computes PCA coordinates, loadings and variance decomposition.
Popv Annotate Performs popular major vote cell typing on single cell sequence data using multiple algorithms.
Publish Transfer Publish an artifact and optionally rename with parameters
Regress out Transform Regress out (mostly) unwanted sources of variation.
Remove modality Filter Remove a modality from a .h5mu file
Samtools Genetic demux Filter the BAM according to the instruction of scSplit via Samtools.
Samtools sort Mapping Sort and (optionally) index alignments.
Scale Transform Scale data to unit variance and zero mean
Scanorama Integrate Use Scanorama to integrate different experiments
Scarches Integrate Performs reference mapping with scArches
Scsplit Genetic demux scsplit is a genotype-free demultiplexing methode of pooled single-cell RNA-seq, using a hidden state model for identifying genetically distinct samples within a mixed population.
Scvelo Velocity ID: scvelo
Namespace: velocity
Scvi Integrate Performs scvi integration as done in the human lung cell atlas
Souporcell Genetic demux souporcell is a method for clustering mixed-genotype scRNAseq experiments by individual.
Split modalities Dataflow Split the modalities from a single .h5mu multimodal sample into seperate .h5mu files.
Star align Mapping Align fastq files using STAR.
Star align v273a Mapping Align fastq files using STAR.
Star build reference Mapping Create a reference for STAR from a set of fasta files.
Subset h5mu Filter Create a subset of a mudata file by selecting the first number of observations
Sync test resources Download Synchronise the test resources from s3://openpipelines-data to resources_test
Totalvi Integrate Performs mapping to the reference by totalvi model:
Tsne Dimred t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) is a dimensionality reduction technique used to visualize high-dimensional data in a low-dimensional space, revealing patterns and clusters by preserving local data similarities
Umap Dimred UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) is a manifold learning technique suitable for visualizing high-dimensional data.
Velocyto Velocity Runs the velocity analysis on a BAM file, outputting a loom file.
Velocyto to h5mu Convert Convert a velocyto loom file to a h5mu file.
Vireo Genetic demux Vireo is primarily designed for demultiplexing cells into donors by modelling of expressed alleles.
Xgboost Labels transfer Performs label transfer from reference to query using XGBoost classifier
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